My name is Georgie.

I am many things, in fact I’m constantly evolving.

I’m certainly more than I can write in a few sentences (which social media loves us to do) but my main message and focus here is raising awareness about being Highly Sensitive and finding ways to bring calm into your life.

I have always felt a little different – but then again, doesn’t everyone? It’s a very subjective thing to feel and say. The same applies to being sensitive – surely everyone is sensitive...right? However, there comes an invisible tipping point, from the ‘normal’ to ‘abnormal’, when you fall into the bracket of being ‘highly sensitive’.

Having a nervous system that is constantly triggered and a mind that is neurodiverse can lead to a fractured relationship between body and mind. This website is based around my obsession with food and my desperate need to find calm, to help me cope in a world where I haven’t always felt I belong.

To me, food is like magic and I have been trying to get to understand how to harness and understand that magic as best I can.

Some background…

I trained as a chef at Leiths School of Food and Wine in 2006. I loved every single minute of it. All that butter and classical cooking was intoxicating and everyone deeply happy that they had found their purpose. I then went on to privately chef and travel the world with food – learning about different cuisines in India and Sri Lanka. I began to teach cookery (to all age ranges from 6 to 80) at Leiths School of Food and Wine as well as Chewton Glen (to name drop a few) – always wanting to tell as many people as I could about this incredible magic, this tangible wisdom. 

Then I had children and food took on a new meaning. It took on a more powerful role; an empowering role of supporting and comforting. I wanted to learn more about this new power; this secret potent magic that I hadn’t learnt before. Suddenly the human body and food mixing together showed me so many new things. And my obsession changed from “food” to “nourishment”.

I have worked with nutritionists (mainly Jo Saunders part of the wonderful Naturedoc Team) for nearly ten years now and although I can most certainly say I am not a Nutritional Therapist, I have picked up a fair amount of knowledge.

I have gone on my own personal journey with nutrition and have seen first-hand the relevance and importance of eating well. This intrigue into nutrition has also led me to do courses on herbal medicine, homoeopathy, natural skin care and beekeeper!

Energy work has been a big focus for me and in 2019 I trained as a yoga teacher as well as reiki practitioner. Recognising we are way more than what we eat - learning how to manage our precious nervous system through movement, sound and so many other wonderful practises has become a huge part of where I have evolved to up until now.

My aim is for Little Plough is to be a place for community and wellbeing. A safe, calm place where I can pass on any wisdom I have learnt, hopefully in a way that’s easy to take on and not intimidating.

Everything that you will find on this website should taste amazing. I am fed up with so many people saying things taste nice and then making them and they taste disgusting – it has to taste good.

I am not linked to any brands so if I say something nice I genuinely mean it.

I will always try to be about excellence.

Thank you, as always, for being with me on this journey.

G xxxx

(Please note, all classes and workshops take place from Georgie’s home which is near Andover in Hampshire, SP11)